Secondary Infertility: Challenges and Considerations for Couples Trying To Conceive Again

While discussions around infertility often focus on primary infertility, where couples struggle to conceive their first child, secondary infertility is less talked about but is an equally challenging issue. Secondary infertility refers to the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after previously giving birth to one or more children. Couples who are experiencing secondary infertility often find themselves navigating a complex scale of emotions, uncertainties, and medical considerations on their journey to expand their family. Dr. Anya Rose, Dr. Megan Gau, and Dr. Christine Horton at Rose Women’s Health in Arcadia, CA, can explain secondary infertility and the challenges it may bring.

Understanding Secondary Infertility

For couples who have successfully conceived before, learning about secondary infertility can come as a shock. They may feel a mix of grief, frustration, guilt, and confusion, particularly if they had no trouble conceiving their first child. The expectation of fertility after having one child can amplify feelings of inadequacy and disappointment. It’s important to know there are options for infertility that you can talk to your OBGYN in Arcadia, CA, about.

The causes of secondary infertility can vary widely and may include an age-related decline in fertility, any changes in reproductive health since the previous pregnancy, underlying medical conditions such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), male factor infertility, or complications from prior pregnancies or births.

Fertility evaluations may include assessments of ovulation, hormone levels, sperm quality, and reproductive anatomy. Depending on the underlying causes identified, treatment options such as fertility medications, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended by your OBGYN.

Couples grappling with secondary infertility must navigate difficult decisions about pursuing fertility treatments, considering the emotional, physical, and financial toll involved. They may also face questions about family size, weighing the desire for another child against the realities of their circumstances. It’s important to know you have options available to you when you’re struggling to expand your family.

Contact Our OBGYN Today

Make sure you understand secondary infertility and how it could affect you. Contact Dr. Anya Rose, Dr. Megan Gau, and Dr. Christine Horton at Rose Women’s Health in Arcadia, CA, to learn more about secondary infertility and what your options might be. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (626) 461-7071.

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