Gynecological Exams: What To Expect and Why They’re Important

A gynecological exam is a vital part of healthcare for women. Having an OBGYN in Arcadia, CA is essential. Dr. Anya Rose and Dr. Megan Gau of Rose Women's Health provide women with personalized care and make getting a gynecological exam less stressful.

What Is Included in a Gynecological Exam?

Your annual visit will begin like any office visit. Your vitals and measurements will be taken and your general health discussed. If you have any concerns, this is the time to bring them up. If it is your first visit, you will likely have to fill out a lot of forms with your health history. It is important for our gynecologist to know if you have a family history of breast, ovarian, uterine, or cervical cancer. These cancers do tend to run in some families and if your risk is elevated, our doctor needs to know.

You will get undressed and into a gown. The doctor will do a manual exam of your breasts and if you have questions about doing self-exams, this should be discussed.  You will lie down and place your feet in stirrups and the doctor will do a pelvic exam. This is not always required, so don't be overly concerned. The doctor uses a spectrum to look at your vagina and cervix.

What Tests Are Done?

If you are over 21, they will use what looks like a large Q-tip and take a sample of the cells on your cervix. The cells will be sent out to a lab to be tested. This is a PAP test and checks for cervical cancer and other cervical conditions. If you are 40 or over, they will likely schedule you for a mammogram, or if they feel something during the breast exam, even if you are younger.

Why Is a Gynecological Exam Important?

Your gynecological exam is the best way to make sure your reproductive organs are all in good shape. It can help to find small problems before they become major problems. Knowing that you have fibroids is important if you are trying to get pregnant and our OBGYN  in Arcadia, CA can help with birth control, menopause, and everything in between.

Contact Dr. Rose and Dr. Gau of Rose Women's Health when you need quality OBGYN care in Arcadia, CA. Don't avoid getting your yearly gynecological exam because it may be uncomfortable and embarrassing. It is essential for your overall health. Call our office today at (626) 461-7071 for an appointment.

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Rose Women's Health


7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm



